Caught on Camera: Angler Ejected from Boat at Full Speed, Rescued

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We ran across this video on YouTube and wanted to share it with everyone here. User ReelJedi was fishing on Lake Seminole and his  cameras caught an angler being ejected from a passing boat. The man was not wearing a life jacket or kill switch and was extremely lucky to be rescued without any major injury. This video serves as a prime example of why you should always wear your PFD and kill switch. This could have turned out much worse.

As you can see in the video, the unoccupied boat was stuck at full throttle and doing circles, posing a real danger for anyone nearby. Even if you’re out for an afternoon of fun fishing, wear that PFD and kill switch! We’re extremely thankful that the angler was okay and great job to ReelJedi for thinking so quickly and jumping into action to rescue the angler.