Getting a top of the line rod is on everyone’s radar screen but sometimes doesn’t make the budget. If a rod company can build a rod with the best components and the best blanks rest assured they won’t scrimp on their other rods either. Denali Rods has a family of rods that meets just about everyone’s budget and takes extra special care to build them to work as designed and with the proper actions, no matter what the price.
We recently ran a giveaway with Denali Rods to showcase their top of the line Noirwood Series and wanted to thank everyone who participated. They wanted to step it up a notch in this contest and it is clear by the response and the feedback that Wired2Fish readers know the Denali line of rods is about quality and want one in their arsenals. Step it up they did.
The Noirwood Series features IM10 blanks, Ring Lock Guides, Exposed Blank Reel Seat, Carbon Fiber Handle and a Stabilized Hardwood Foregrip that is designed to increase sensitivity and feel no matter if you are flipping and pitching or tossing a squarebill crankbait.
The winner has been chosen and the new Denali Noirwood Rod is on the way to:
Brian Billington Jr. Beech Grove, IN