Bill Lewis Scope Stik Giveaway Winners

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Forward Facing Sonar is here to stay and the good companies are building products now that show up well with that technology. It’s one thing to see the fish but yet another to see your bait amongst them.

Bill Lewis has designed a new stick bait called the Scope Stik that is a differentiator for die hard “scopers” and will most definitely help put more fish in the boat.

In this giveaway we will be giving you the chance to win 5 baits to try for yourself. Even without scope this bait is a fish catcher.

We asked Bill Lewis head honcho Wes Higgins to select the best 5 and rest assured they will be excellent colors!

Congratulations to the winners, your gear is on the way! Thanks for entering and as always, keep an eye out for more weekly giveaways from the Wired2fish guys.

John Freeman – Concord, Calif.

Howard Steeley – Olympia, Wash.

Jeffery Smith – Avinger, Texas

Donna Coe – Ten Mile, Tenn.

Danny Gholson – Fouke, Ark.

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